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ȸ 6391 2006/10/24 (8:37)
* ٳµ ̹ û ֿջ մϴ. ð帧 ȭ û ְ.

* ߼ Ȧ Żϰ ߽ ٽ ̰ ٳ մϴ.

* ٳͼ ؼ ο ڽϴ.

* ؼ 꿡 ٷ . ڿ޾縲 ִ Ȯϰ ʾҽϴ.

* ߰ ٳڽϴ.

* Ʒ ׵ ٳԴ Դϴ.

** ¹: http://www.usecar.co.kr/board/board.cgi?bname=guip&action=view&unum=7629

** ǻ 긲 http://www.usecar.co.kr/board/board.cgi?bname=guip20042005&action=view&unum=5751

û. ֿջ ٳ մϴ.

"ָ ֿջ" 2006-10-20Ϻ dz ''
̹ ָ Բ ֿջ dz ."

û ε Ǹ ֿջ걹 dz 20̸ ̸ δ.

ع 882m ޺ ߽ ꡤհžϡ 
̹ dz Ͽ 5õ6õ ,
ָ 25õ3 ִ.

ֿջ繫 dz ⺸
1 ۵ƴ. 20~30 ̷ "̶ ߴ.

ֿջ ٸ ҷ ڸű
ȭ ܿ ׸ , KBS Ȳݻ Կ
ε ֿջ걹 ֻ ߱ հ ִ.   [ϽŹ 2006-10-18 14:12]    

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ֿ 󿡼 ߻ Ƕ 9 ¾, ̸ ֵ ״ õǰ ġ ʾ ƴ϶, 5
̹ 11 ﷫ ϰ õߴٰ Ѵ.

ֵ ̶ 强 ޲ٸ鼭 'Ȳϰ ̸ð » Ƹðڴ' ߴ Ѵ. ׷ ֵ ļ ߿ ū ι źߴµ, ״ 1 Ŵ ̻꿡  1 綥 ϸ, ̶ 糪 15(799 Ŷ Ҽ 1)̾

Ŀ ֵ õ ûϸ ݱ⸦ , 糪 ĵ Ͽ. ο ֵ ã 䵿 Ͽ Ŷ Դٰ Ѵ. ׶ ֵ 1õ Ұ ̾.

( ) ( û۱ ) ٴٸ ֿ (ֿջ ̸) ſ ϴٴ ̰ , ķ Ƿ α ֹ ķ Żϴ 뷫 ϻ 꿡 ִٴ ҹ ȿ . ̶ 糪 ֵ Ŷ ˰ Ŷ ֵ Ź Դ. 糪κ ֵ ޶ Ź  Ŷ ϴ ֵ ڴʰ ˾ ϼ 屺 5鿡 Ͽ.

ϼ 屺 屺 ǰ ̼ , Z, 缺, 屺 Ǿ 縦 ̲ ư ƴ. ׷ 屺 ֿ ĥ θ Ͽ.

ֿ Ϻ ̾ Ÿó Ͽ ̰ ̰ ϴ, 屺   ֿ 簡 ̾. ڿ ˰ 屺 屺 ö Ÿ Ȱ Ҵµ, ߰뿡 ٷ 屺 ȭ ̶ Ѵ.

屺 ϰ ϴ ֿ ϰ , ֿ ü ϰ ֿձ  ٰ Ѵ. ֿձ 帣 Ա Ƿ ⿡ ̾. ׷ ֿ õ õ ó ϰ ִٰ ϱ Ա Դٰ 屺 鿡 ߰ǰ Ҵ. ̷ν ֿ õ ̷ ä 屺 ö ° ߴٰ Ѵ.

ֿձ ģ ֿտԴ ̶ Ƶ ̶ ־ ֿջ ̸ ⼭ Ͽٰ Ѵ.

õ ֿջ Բ ִ ȭ ְ
ִµ û۱ ε Ǹ ֿջ Ա ġ 泻
ݵ 칰 ޿ ְ 칰 Ⱑ .

ô óԲ ø û ٰ ø
ߴµ Ϸ絵 ʰ ø
dz ն㿡 칰 ļ û ߴ.

Ÿȴµ 簡 ͼ
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ϴ ()̶ ⿡ 칰 Ĵ ٴڿ
Ÿ Ǿٸ鼭 칰 ޿ Ǿٰ ϸ ݵ
 칰 ޿ ִ.


û Ŵ븮 ¥⿡ ä ־ ڷ Ͽ
̴ ֱ ־µ  θ
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̸ Ϸ ū 빮 տ ã Ƹ
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ûϿ ó ϸ鼭 翬 ߴ.

ó ڷ θ ڸŰ ־µ



ų ù㿡 ̻ Ÿ ı ̶ ڱ ȥڻ
ù㿡 ڱ⵵ ̶ ⿴. óడ ʹ ϰ
ü ߰ڴٰ Ծ. ó Ų
ŹϿ Ҹ ԰ Ļ տ  ū к
Ͽ ֽ Ÿ غϿ 湮 Ļ
óฦ ӿ ܵΰ û翡 Į ־.

ѹ ̻ Ҹ Һ Ÿ Ŵ ٺ
θŸ ̸ Į ƴ ġ
ߴµ ֽ ä ֽ Ÿ Ǯ.

Ѽ ο Ҹ ڿ Կ һŰ յ
Ʈ ߴ.

ħ ԰ ֽ ֽ ū ؿ ִ . ٰ Ա װ ߰ſ ҿ ̰ õ
Ҹ Բ ū ۿ . غ Į ׸ ̰
ڿ Ⱑ ΰ Ҵٴ ̴̾߱.


ε ׵ ϱ 迡 ū
̸ ãƿ մ պ ̸ ϴ ħ
õ ƴ . ҿ ִٸ װ ٸ
ϴ ̾.

׷ Ǿ.



׳ ãƿ մ ϴ Ƴ ģ ǥ ϸ鼭 浵 ڴİ . ⸦ "׷ٸ ֱ " ϸ մ ̶ ̸ . 

ܴ Ʊ ߴ ͺ Ӱ ׷κ մ ãƿ ʰ Ǿ. ׷ ̻ϰԵ 繰 ߾ پ ϰ Ҵ. ܰ ޻ ٱ 'û'̾ ڰ ڱ û, 㸮 ұ ̶ ߴ.


ΰ Ѹ ڰ ȭ Ƹٿ ¸ ä 翬 Ȱ ټҰ ǿ ִ. ȭ Ǵ ޷ ٸ 濡 ó ֿջ  Ǵµ ޷ ϳ ణ ̸ ö(޷) ϰ Ű ö̳ ޷ . 5ʿ ȭ Ǹ 帣 ؼ ϴ.

̿ Ƹٿ ȭ 𸣴 ֿ ̰ Ŷ󱺻 ο 屺 ȭ쿡 ¾ ǰ ֿձ Ӱ 귯 ȴµ ̵غ ֿջ꿡 ϴ DZ ֿ ǰ Ǿ ̶ ؼ ȭ(Ө) ̸Ͽٰ Ѵ.



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ֿհ 屺 ִ ֿջ û۱ ִ ̴.  

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ֿջ 翡 ̸ ֹõ ֺ ϴ. ֹõ , , , ׸ ׼ó ھƿ Ϻ ϱ, ⿡ â ۸ ѵ 췯 ȭ ٣

ûа ϰ Ҵٴ мҴ, Ѿ ھƿ ޼, ֿ ִٰ ٴ ֿվ, ٴ ȭ, ׸ 1, 2, 3 Ұ ϰ ڸ ִ٣

ֿջ , , д ܿ ֿձ, 屼 , ֻ, , ܰ, , , ħ ޻ ġ ġ ſó ݻϴ dz,  ̴.

ֿջ 11 , ϼ, þ, ֿձ, ÷, ޼, мҴ, ȭ, κ, , ¾ ̴.

ֿջ꿡 ϻ ؼ ֿվϰ þ ִ. 翡 糪 屺 ̿ 翡 ģ ǵ ȭ Ǿ ִ.   

ֿջ αٿ ִ ޱ θ ˷ ִ. û ֿջ 氡 ִ ̴ źε, 庴, κ,  ȿ ִٰ ã ߱ ʴ´٣

ĸ , 迡 ̳ ְ ̴߿丮 ̴



̴. ֿջ ֿջ ֺ(720), հž(907), (812) 츮 DZ⵵ Ѵ. ڽ ð ܴ٣

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ϱ ٽ ϵ  ޼밡 ݼ еؿ´. мҴ븦 ⷷٸ dzʸ Ÿ ̾ ÿ ٱ ݱ. Ҹ ٶ󺸸 ްԼҰ Ÿ. ̰ ٸ dz 췷 Ÿ.

â ʹ ޸ ´. ռ ĸű, ĸű⿡ ɼ ȴ. ĸ ɼ ð Į. Ź Ʈ ֿջ ̴٣

ϻ ɼ Ÿ Ǵµ ð ִ٣ ѻ ð ҿ. ֿջ û ΰ 庴 Ưȿ ִٴ ޱ ־ Բ ãư ϴ٣


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׸ Ŵ Ϻ dzó ѷ 꼼 , л ̸ ҷԴ٣翡 ̸ ֹõ ֺ ϴ. ֹõ , , , ׸ ׼ó ھƿ Ϻ ϱ, ⿡ â ۸ ѵ 췯 ȭ . 10 dzö ã , , ϴ.

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[2006/10/24 (13:53)]
ֿջ dz ǰڳ׿. dz ڰ µ ټ մϴ. ߾ ϰ ϰ

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ٱ ε dzϱ⵵ ϴ.
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ߴٳ~ 󰥼 ? ڱ ߿׿... !! ! ! Ⱥε帳ϴ...^^;

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⾾ Ͻô ߵǽ? 󱼺 Ѵ ½ Ѿϴ. 츮 dz ڱ^^

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ؼ ӵ ü ðؼ    û ҽϴ.

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