Ƣ 亯 !! ϳϳ Ʒ д ߰ õ ֽϴ.

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ȸ 3642 2006/1/24 (19:56)
2000cc 5 ڵӱ, 6
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2006. 1. 18

ũ( GM DAEWOO) ο з ̾ 佺ī(Tosca) , 1 18 ׷ ư ȣڿ ǥȸ ù .

̷ ο з (TOmorrow Standard CAr) 佺ī ̰ Ÿ ش. Ư, 2000cc ʷ ÷ 5 ڵ ӱ ϸ鼭 6 L6 (2000cc / 2500cc) ȭ ̷ Ź Ѵ. 佺ī پ ǻ , پ ڶѴ.

GM DAEWOO̿() ι ְ ǥ ߵ 佺ī GM DAEWOO ΰ ִ ߽ 忡 GM DAEWOO ǰ ̹ ũ ⿩ ̶͡ 밨 .

õǰ Ƽ ܺ Ÿ = 佺ī Ÿ Q 迭 ũ ׸ ä, ޽ ̾ ̹ ش. ۴ ׸ó η 迭 , ü Ÿ ( ) Ȱ Ƽ ߴ. ̿ Ҿ  ǹ ִ ĵ ij ȭ ̷ ԰ 佺ī ǥߴ.

ֽ Ʈ带 ݿ 佺ī ̵ , ij ԰ ÿ ߴ. ƿ﷯ ű ε 16ġ 17ġ ˷ ̰ ޽, ۵ ε巴 Ǯƿ(Pull-out) ũ ڵ õ ÷ ƿ̵ ̷ ޽ õ ϼѴ.

̿ Բ ̵ ĸ ۿ а ũ Ʈũ ڵ ĸ Ÿ ǥ, Ŭ  ̵ ü ־ õʰ ÿ ְ ߰ μ ȭߴ.

޽ ȶ dz Ÿ = ǿ̸ ޽ 佺ī dz 縦 ǰ ְ ο dz âߴ.

佺ī ο dz ޸ ȭ ̹ (Ʈ ÷) ÷ ׸, ǰ ִ (Ʈ ÷) ׸ ÷, ׸ ÷ Ӱ ߰ Ұ Ʈ 3 Ÿ Ӱ ִ. ⿡ (Golden Pearl) ̵ ׷ΰ ó ü dz ̹ ˷̴ ϰ ִ. ܿ ε巴 ޽ ̵(Suede) Ÿ Ʈ , .

Ǹ ִ ü ġ LED(Light-Emitting Diode) ϰ ũ⸦ ִȭ μ شȭ, þƿ ϰ ε ġ ۵ ֿ ġ ũ ׵θ , ޽ dz ȭ ̷.

̿ Ҿ Ʈ 480ͱ 뷮 Ʈũ ũ ȭ ϴµ ϴ.

ε巴 ĿǮ ÷ 5 ڵӱ ȿ 6 L6 = 佺ī ÷ ű 5 ڵӱ Źϰ ε巯 ӿ rpm ϴ. ڰ Ȳ ° ڵ ȯ ־ ſ 谡 ش. Ư 2000cc ʷ 5 ڵӱ 䱸Ǵ ĿǮ ϸ,  극ũ ȿ ִ.

÷ ű 5 ڵӱ Ҿ 2000cc ϰ 6 L6 ٸ 4 V6 6 ص ϸ Ŀ . ְ L6 2.0 144ps / 6,300rpm, L6 2.5 157 ps / 5,800 rpm̰, ִũ L6 2.0 19.2 kgm / 4,600rpm, L6 2.5 24.0 kgm / 4,000 rpm ְ ڶѴ.

̿ Բ ȸ ⸦ ִ ý(VIS) ȭϿ ° ũ Ű, 32Ʈ(bit) ECM(Engine control module) Ʋ ٵ(Throttle Body) ִȭ , ҵƴ.

ƿ﷯ L6 ˷̴ Ǹ , 淮ȭ ּȭ ᰡ Ǵ ִ 4 ɰϴ 12.8 km/(2.0 L6, ) ְ ߴ.

佺ī ٵ Բ ν̼ ȭ, Ŵ Ŀ , н ٰ å پ , ÿ ſ 谡 Ų.

̿ Ҿ 佺ī 30km ׽Ʈ ϴ پ L6 Բ Ÿ̹ Ʈ ȯ ʿ ȯ Ÿ̹ ü ý, ȯ ֱⰡ 16km ݿ ̸(Iridium) ȭ ÷׸ پ.

پ ڵ鸵 ༺, پ ý = 佺ī ۽ ƮƮ(McPherson strut) Ÿ ġ (Damper) ο ٿ , ڳʸ ϸ پ ڵ鸵 ö ش. ķ Ÿ ķ Ƽũ(Multi-link) , Ÿ̾ κ ȭ״.

佺ī 극ũ ý ȹ ߴ. 15ġ 극ũ ũ Ÿ ý۰ ƿ е(Non-steel pad) , شȭϰ 극ũ ҽ, ̾ 극ũ (Vapor lock) ּȭߴ. Ĺ ̳ ü ִ ٵ ÷ Ĺ ֹ ý۰ ڵ ϴ ƿ̵ ̷ Ĺ ߵ ´.

̿ Բ EBD(Electronic brake force distribution) 佺ī ÷ ABS ο, ȭ 緮, Ȳ  극ũ ũ й پ , ̲ ¿ TCS(Traction control system) , ش.

佺ī ý ä, ڿ ͸ , , 극ũ ̻ ڿ ˷ ̸ ֵ ° ߴ.

佺ī ü 40% ̻ , 浹 浹 4 л ظ ּȭϴ ° ֿ켱 Ͽ Ǿ. Ÿ (Tie-bar) , 浹 ǰ dz ԵǴ ָ 浹ÿ ° 谡״.

̿ Բ 佺ī ־ ΰ ü dz ȭ Ʈ ߰ ״. 켱, Ÿ Ʈ ġ, , 浹 ü κ 켱 ޵ ü лŰ Ʈ ý(Early Contact System) , ° ߴ.

ܿ 佺ī پ ġ ߰ ִ. ݼ ° Ӹ ȣǴ 뷮 ̵ Ŀư , ȣ, ε帮Ͱ Ʈ Ʈ ټų , ȭߴ. ӵ 䵵, ۵ ÿ  ڵ ڵ Ǯ ġ, 쿡 ü ڵ ϰϴ Ƽ Ŀ ߰ ִ.

Ư ݿ ° 2 ظ ϱ з â ⺻ , (Parting) ʴ κ(Invisible) Ÿ ݼ , ׸ ϸ鼭 ݼ ° ¼ 浹 ݼ ۵ ʰ Ǿ. ݼ ° Ʈ Ǵ ɵ ߰ ִ.

޽ ̾ ǻ = 佺ī 18ܰ dz ִ ڵ /ݼ ĿƮ, ()¼ ýƮ, ִ /Ʈũ ġ, û, ĵ / Ʈũ Ʈ پ ġ ߴ. ̿ Բ 180W ̾ ⺻ , 5.1 ä ý۰ 10 Ŀ, ġ ũ 7ġ ̵ TFT LCD ʹ ֻ AV ý , ſ ߴ.

μ پ ȭ LCD Ʈ ǻ(trip computer) డ Ÿ, ӵ, ð, , ħ پ ý Ѵ.

̿ Ҿ Ƽ ٿ ġ, Ʈ ־ ǻ ִ. ƿ﷯ õ Ŀ ̽ ƿ̵ ̷ ġ 30ʰ ۵ ų ִ Ŀ پ ǻ Ѵ.

̾ 佺ī L6 2.0 ⺻, SE, SX, CDX, L6 2.5 5 Ʈ(Trim) , (L6 2000cc ⺻, SE ӱ , SX̻ ڵӱ ), L6 2.0 ⺻ 1,640, SE 1,694, SX 1,998, CDX 2,189, L6 2.5 2,479̴.

, GM DAEWOO ̾ 佺ī ǰ θ ˸ Ű 1 18 26ϱ , 뱸, , λ 5 뵵ÿ 佺ī ǥȸ .

  : GM DAEWOO ȫ ( 02-755-4043~4, 4048)

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