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               - ü : 98.12.01 (KBS, MBC, SBS), 98.07.09 (KBS, 60)
               - ְ : Һ ȣ, Ϻ û
2. ̺ :
               - ȿ : -1.2%~0.7%(ᰡ Ҹ)
               - ü : 98.12.01 (KBS, MBC, SBS), 98.07.09 (KBS, 60)
               - ְ : Һ ȣ, Ϻ û
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               - ȿ : 0%
               - ü : 98.12.01 (KBS, MBC, SBS)
               - ְ : Һ ȣ
4. Ŭ : ⿡ ٶ ϴ .
               - ȿ : 0.8%
               - ü : 98.12.01 (KBS, MBC, SBS)
               - ְ : Һ ȣ
5. ڸ :
               - ȿ : 0.1%
               - ü : 98.12.01 (KBS, MBC, SBS)
               - ְ : Һ ȣ
6. ǻĸ :
               - ȿ : 1.7%
               - ü : 98.12.01 (KBS, MBC, SBS)
               - ְ : Һ ȣ
7. MPGͺ :
               - ȿ : 1.7%
               - ü : 98.12.01 (KBS, MBC, SBS)
               - ְ : Һ ȣ
8. Ŀũ :
               - ȿ : -4.1% ~ 0.2%(ᰡ Ҹ)
               - ü : 98.12.01 (KBS, MBC, SBS), 98.07.09 (KBS, 60)
               - ְ : Һ ȣ, Ϻ û
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               - ü : 98.07.09 (KBS, 60)
               - ְ : Ϻ û
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               - ְ : Ϻ û
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               - ְ : Ϻ û
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               - ְ : Ϻ û
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               - ü : 97.12.31 (߾Ϻ : Ǹű), 98.01.13 (߾Ϻ : ġ)   


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3)Ϻ û ְ : - 4.5% ~ +0.7% (98 7 9 KBS 60 ڷ )


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27. ġ ɽ ȸ 98.9.29-10.28 CVS-75 ڵɽ迬 ȿ
28. ġ(Pargio1) ѱ 98.9.29-10.28 CVS-75 ڵɽ迬 ȿ
29. HI TEKNO ũ 98.10.26-11.25 CVS-75 ѱ ȿ
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31. Ʈ(ָڵ) ̷() 99.1.13-1.31 CVS-75 ڵɽ迬 ȿ
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37. ̺(ڵ) ̷ 99.3.12-3.30 CVS-75 ڵɽ迬 ȿ
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42. KUSTA(ڵ) ȣ 99.10.27-11.11 CVS-75 ڵɽ迬 ȿ
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