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ȸ 4127 2006/5/31 (10:32)
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̰ Ʈδн(tiptronics) ̸ õ Ư㸦 ϰ ִ μ EF Ÿ ޿ Ǿ õǰ ȭ Ǿϴ. Ϲ ڵ ӱ "P-R-N-D-2-L" ¸ ϰ H-MATIC "P-R-N-D" ׸ Dġ Ϸ "+" "-" ǥð Ǿ ֽϴ.

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Ƽ ȯ ϰ ϸ EFҳŸ ֶ ص ƴϾ. Һڰ 65% EFҳŸ ߴµ 忡 70% ٴ Ȳ̾.

ǰ̳ ؼ Ƽ ޾Ҵµ ⿡ Ƽ õ 98 3 IMF Һɸ ǻƳ ִ ̶ ۿߴ.

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2000 Ȯ ġ ƴ 140 Ǵµ EFҳŸ 1213 ø ̶ ̴. ڵ ͺб 𵨴 20븦 ִµ 20븦 ó Ŀ ȴ. ׷⿡ EFҳŸ û ̴.

̷ EFҳŸ ִ 귣 Ŀ ߰ Ƽ 4.5% ִ Ƽ ʶ߸ ǹ̾.

Ƽ Īϱ 500 縦 ߾µ 72.7% EFҳŸ ϰڴٴ ߴ. 귣 55.4% ϸ EFҳŸ ø Ǿ. Ư Ÿ 39.4% Դµ ̰ µ īϹ̳ ī RV ̴. ̶ ̶ ߴϴٺ RV ޼ âؼ Һڵ ȥ Ų ̴.

ؼ Ƶ е EFҳŸ ָ ޸ ־.

Ƽ ĪѾ Һ Need ȭǾ ־ Ϸ Һڵ鵵 RV Ͼ ־. 츸 Ÿٰ RV Ѿ Ȯ ̾. 츮 ٽ Needs ̶ 縦 ׷ Ÿ. ׷ ᱹ ٽŸ Ѵٸ Ƽ » ִٴ ϰ Ǿ.



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Ƽ ̼ Ư¡ ְ 츰 SSCVT(Ʈδн ӱ) ϴµ ̰ Ϲ ڵӱ⿡ ߻ϴ Ӽũ , Ư Ǯ Ͽ ε巴 ܰ ڵȭ ־ Ϲ ڵӱ , Ӽ, ¼ Ų ڵӱ̴. , ʷ ӱ Ʈδн ̳ Ͽ Ǽ ״. ׷ Ϲ ƽ 10% ϴ. ̼ ڵ Ҿ ߿ κ̰ ٽɱ̴.

׿ Բ RV Ѿ ū ̻̱ RV Ѿ Needs ؼ RV ʰ ̼ ־ Ѵ. ̷ ̼ Ű Ѵٸ RV 忡 ѱ ۿ ٰ Ǵؼ Ƽ ̻ ȭߴ. ο ڵ صƮ ϴ Ʈ 翡 ӵ ڵ Ǵ ġ ִ.



Һڵ ǰ¿ ̰ ɸ , Ư 'Ÿ', 'ܰ' dz , ǰ, ָ񼺿 ũٴ Ǿ.

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